Library Services
CLAMS Network (Cape Library Automated Materials Sharing)
A. If you are not sure what you are looking for, you can call the library and we can make some recommendations for you.
B. eBooks and eAudiobooks - are very popular during this pandemic. You need a device to put the on ie: Kindle, computer, smartphone, I-pod, etc. You also need your CLAMS card and PIN. There are instructions on the CLAMS homepage and we have brochures with instructions at the library. Just knock on the library window and we can give you one. Libby is the easiest app to use.
24/7 WiFi
You can access our open internet at DMLlibrary on our porch or parking lot
Newspapers and Magazines - CLAMS has online newspapers and magazines available. See Clams homepage.
Fax and copier - while you are unable to enter our building, if you knock on the window, the staff will make copies of fax materials for you. PLEASE NOTE: LIMIT OF 5 PAGES. The cost is 20 cents for copies and $1.00 for the 1st fax page and 50 cents for additional pages.
Delivery to the Homebound
Patrons who are unable to physically access the library, and do not have anyone to assist them, can call the Library Director, Nancy Symington, to assist them.
Cape Cod Collection
The Cape Cod Collection contains both fiction and non-fiction material for circulation. There are reference materials for in-library use only.
Some of our materials include Cape Cod history, books by Joseph C. Lincoln, Phoebe Atwood Taylor, and Gladys Taber.
Information on lighthouses, Cape Cod architecture, nature of Cape Cod, and flora and fauna unique to the Cape Cod region is available.
Interlibrary Loan
Reference Help
ESL Classes (Conversational English)
Fax and Scanner
Homework Help
Adult Craft Group
Children's Story and Craft Hour
Color Copier
Notary Public
Kids Club
Book Club